Sunday, 31 March 2013

One down, 29 to go!

Well this is a bit of short update as I have achieved one of my targets. I gave crisps up for lent and as today is Easter Sunday I have successfully completed one of my 30 challenges, and as a treat I might have a bag of crisps :)

Also I have completed a further 2 cross stitches, so I am well on the way to completing this task.


To raise money for comic relief at work, we asked to create a show stopper based on the school (Earth and Environment). Here is my cake, after getting such positive feedback about my cake and with some encouragement from my work colleague Debbie, I entered it in the Clandestine Cake Clubs competition. The cake was short listed and now has to be re-made to go the Cake and Bake show in Manchester for judging. The ESSI cake is a new carrot cake recipe from my National Trust Traditional Teatime book, this is another part of a task complete, a new recipe for March.

This will enable me to complete 2 other challenges, firstly to attend a show and second to visit a new city. I have never been to Manchester! I know this might seem a little strange but I have never set foot in the centre of Manchester and I have never been through it on a train, so next Saturday I will cross these 2 things off the list.

I also start a MOOC next week so this will get me a new qualification, it will only be a certificate of completion but it is a qualification. I have thought about tattoo design, definitely something small and discrete, either butterflies or stars.

I am struggling with some of the other tasks but there are still a few months left in the year to achieve them, and hopefully with the days getting longer and fingers crossed warmer I will achieve a few more. I will post another post next week after the cake show. 

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