Monday, 21 January 2013

The final ten.....

As I am stuck at home in the snow I thought I would work through the last 10 of my aims for this year. Before I started I fed the birds they were very grateful although I am not sure I am too grateful to mum for  taking this picture!

Here goes and this is really hard so they may change if I come up with a better idea!

21. Ride a horse, even if its just a short ride.

22. Do a course of some sort maybe painting or crafting etc

23. Go to a craft show or game fair  - they always look exciting but never get chance to go

24. To take more pictures - I just don't take enough, maybe start with one a day and keep a record

25. Eat one meat free day a week - it might mean I eat more vegetables

26. To attend at least 6 WYNTV tasks - I have become lazy and haven't been to as many as I should

27. Build a sandcastle at the seaside -  I know this is childish but age is just a number 

28. Attend more talks after work - I might learn something!

29. Ride my bike- its been in the garage for nearly 2 years, i should use it at least once!

30. And finally work to get my contract extended or find myself a new exciting job.

So that's all 30, hopefully I will get to December having tried some new things, achieved things and had fun doing it. This blog will be my record of the year and I will hopefully blog every time I complete something or work towards one. 2013 isn't going to be unlucky its going to be an adventure.

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