Sunday, 13 January 2013

The list begins ....

So as I turn 30 this year I thought I should mark this milestone in some way. It could have been a party, a trip away or something more drastic, it might still be one or all those things. But after my friend Paul Hughes shared his list (Paul's list) of this to attempt in 2013 I thought that maybe I should aim a little higher. So (with a deep breath!) I am going to attempt to do 30 things this year, this will include some single events, some things I must do repeatedly. So to start the list here are my first few things, I am open to suggestions from all ..

  1. Start a blog to keep track of progress and report back.
  2. Read a book every month (or 12 in the year) and post a blog comment about it
  3. Complete a cross-stitch design every month - sad but I enjoy it
  4. Run a reasonable 5km run - I have never knowingly run 5km
  5. Visit a new city in the UK
  6. Go to a rugby game
  7. Listen to a new band as recommended by someone else
  8. Try a new recipe from my recipe books each month and blog about it
  9. Go to a ballet - never been so worth a look
  10. Go to a Classical concert - hopefully I will become more cultured!

So those are the first 10 things, I want to finalise the list by the end of the week. If anyone wants to help contribute to the list or help me cross any items off, then I am open to offers.

I want to update the blog at least once a week with something I done, even if it is just booking an event. I hope by the end of the year I hope to have met lots of new people, tried new things, be fitter and more cultured but ultimately happier.

Wish me luck! 

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